How will the insurance of car owners take place online in 2018, the head of the National Bank of Kazakhstan said

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Thanks to access to the online mode, police officers will be able to check for the availability of car insurance for drivers. In such a situation, the policy requirements will not be relevant. Earlier it was said that the deputies of the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved amendments to the current legislation in the field of insurance activities.In a very convenient way online, absolutely any type of insurance can be carried out. Of course, much will depend on the capabilities of the relevant companies that will be able to promptly offer these services. Absolutely every company will provide them without any centralization. This information was provided by Akishev, who answered journalists' questions. An example is the existing practice in the field of automobile insurance.It is suggested for car owners, using the company's website, to get insurance policy. After that, get the number of the relevant agreement. Thanks to According to the online mode, traffic police officers will be able to check for insurance on any day, regardless of whether it is a day off or a holiday, without requiring a policy. At rentacars,cars for rent are provided by the insured.